There are many paths out of the current pandemic. Focusing only on Vaccines and Anti Viral drugs is part of a broken pharmaceutical model which always creates a physiological imbalance and core instability in the end. This may help in a critical life and death emergency but we need to avoid that situation.
Although social distancing can slow things down, the core solutions lie with Quantum Cellular Medicine "QCM" In QCM is the area of medical science that focuses on Cell function and cell communication in the Diagnosis treatment and maintenance of optimal health.
Dr. Linus Pauling , considered the father of Orthomolecular Medicine had given us wisdom which is concurred by many other scientists today. The key to our health is managing what is happening functionally within our cells and communication between our cells . Some of the wisdom in this area is centuries old with herbs and minerals and energy healing arts like acupuncture. However, there are major breakthroughs today in medical science. The leading-edge science of biologic regenerative medicine has been guided by breakthroughs in Nano-technology.
This recent Pandemic can bring America and the world into a great advancement in medical science and long term wellness. Everyone is beginning to seriously consider immunity, homeostatic balance, and optimal wellness to naturally overcome viral and bacterial disturbances. The old drug and cut modalities will soon be considered archaic.
Stemcells are already well on the path to being replaced by Extra Cellular Vesicles now called Exosome Therapeutics. Modern science has discovered that Exosomes are why stem cells create regeneration.
What are Microvesicle Exososomes?
Extracellular vesicles (EV’s) consist of exosomes and microvesicles, which are released directly from the cell membrane. EV’s can mediate cell–cell communication and are involved in many processes, including immune signaling, angiogenesis, stress response, senescence, proliferation, and cell differentiation. EV’s are involved in restoring tissue and organ damage, and may partially explain the paracrine effects observed in stem cell-based therapeutic approaches. The function and content of EV’s may also harbor information that can be used in tissue engineering, in which paracrine signaling is employed to modulate cell recruitment, differentiation, and proliferation.
We often say good can be created from adversity. This is very true. China has already begun many studies to reverse COVID19. America is just beginning this process. Quantum Cellular Medicine Clinics are already here and providing our patients the advance medical science to serve and transform lives. QCM clinics can help you minimize COVID 19 and greatly reduce its impact.
See below some of the studies already in process. As you read in these studies, they indicate that they are using Mesenchymal Stem Cells "MSC's". MSC's create the Exosome EV's which signal and create the regenerative communication. Exosome therapeutics is the advancement of Stem cell therapy.